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The Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre (CNT) is made up of residents who love live performance.  This includes on the stage as well as behind the scenes. Most of our participants have never been involved in any theatrical production, which is another way of saying NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Our mission is to produce 

high quality theatrical events for seniors by seniors.

We look to develop and engage in innovative production techniques which challenge everyone beyond what they thought they could do.  At the end of the day Cresswind is all about trying something new.

CNT is a group of dedicated individuals who work hard, have lots of fun and are proud of its achievements. Look through our theatre page for past performances and we know you will see many familiar faces. You can be there also.

If you wish to be added to the CNT mailing list, just email us at with a your email address and we will get you "in the know!

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